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This is an adhesion between loops of small intestine. Such adhesions are typical following abdominal surgery. More diffuse adhesions may also form following peritonitis.


The dark red infarcted small intestine contrasts with the light pink viable bowel. The forceps extend through an internal hernia in which a loop of bowel and mesentery has been caught. This is one complication of adhesions from previous surgery. The trapped bowel has lost its blood supply.


This is an example of cecal volvulus. Volvulus is a twisting of the bowel. Volvulus is most common in adults, where it occurs with equal frequency in small intestine (around a twisted mesentery) and colon (in either sigmoid or cecum which are more mobile). In very young children, volvulus almost always happens in the small intestine.

小肠黏膜显示明显充血 ,是局部缺血性肠炎的结果。局部缺血常见于由心衰、大量失血、血管受阻(见于肠疝、肠扭转或肠套叠)所导致的低血压(休克)。如果血液供应没有迅速恢复,肠就会梗死。

The small intestinal mucosa demonstrates marked hyperemia as a result of ischemic enteritis. Such ischemia most often results from hypotension (shock) from cardiac failure, from marked blood loss, or from loss of blood supply from mechanical obstruction (as with the bowel incarcerated in a hernia or with volvulus or intussusception). If the blood supply is not quickly restored, the bowel will infarct.


On closer inspection, early ischemic enteritis involves the tips of the villi. In general, bowel is hard to infarct from atherosclerotic vascular narrowing or thromboembolization because of the widely anastomosing blood supply. Thus, most cases of bowel ischemia and infarction result from generalized hypotension and decreased cardiac output.


A colonoscopic view of ischemic colitis with minimal overlying exudate is shown.


The mucosal surface of the bowel seen here shows early necrosis with hyperemia extending all the way from mucosa to submucosal and muscular wall vessels. The submucosa and muscularis, however, are still intact.


At higher magnification with more advanced necrosis, the small intestinal mucosa shows hemorrhage with acute inflammation in this case of ischemic enteritis.


Perforation of GI tract (from lower esophagus to colon) can result in a peritonitis as seen here at autopsy. A thick yellow purulent exudate covers peritoneal surfaces. An ovarian carcinoma caused sigmoid colonic obstruction (the sigmoid is the markedly dilated grey-black bowel in the pelvis seen here) with perforation.


Neoplasms of the small intestine are uncommon. Benign tumors can include leiomyomas, fibromas, neurofibromas, and lipomas. Seen here at the ileocecal valve is another tumor that has a faint yellowish color. This is a carcinoid tumor. Most benign tumors are incidental submucosal lesions, though rarely they can be large enough to obstruct the lumen.

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