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The mucosa at the upper right merges into the ulcer at the left which is eroding through the mucosa. Ulcers will penetrate over time if they do not heal. Penetration leads to pain. If the ulcer penetrates through the muscularis and through adventitia, then the ulcer is said to "perforate" and leads to an acute abdomen. An abdominal radiograph may demonstrate free air with a perforation.


The ulcer at the right is penetrating through the muscularis and approaching an artery. Erosion of the ulcer into the artery will lead to another major complication of ulcers--hemorrhage. This hemorrhage can be life threatening. Chronic blood loss may lead to an iron deficiency anemia.


Gastritis is often accompanied by infection with Helicobacter pylori. This small curved to spiral rod-shaped bacterium is found in the surface epithelial mucus of most patients with active gastritis. The rods are seen here with a methylene blue stain.


The strongest association with Helicobacter pylori is with duodenal peptic ulceration--over 85% of duodenal ulcers. Seen here is a penetrating acute ulceration in the duodenum just beyond the pylorus.


An acute duodenal ulcer is seen in two views on upper endoscopy.


Another association with gastritis is pernicious anemia. Chronic atrophic gastritis is associated with autoantibodies that block or bind intrinsic factor. Another type of autoantibody demonstrated here is anti-parietal cell antibody. The bright green immunofluorescence is seen in the paritetal cells of the gastric mucosa.


Gastric neoplasia is not uncommon. Here is a gastric adenocarcinoma. In the U.S., most gastric cancers are discovered at a late stage when the neoplasm has invaded and/or metastasized. ALL gastric ulcers and ALL gastric masses must be biopsied, because it is not possible to tell from gross appearance alone which are benign and which are malignant. In contrast, virtually all duodenal peptic ulcers are benign.


Here is a gastric ulcer in the center of the picture. It is shallow and is about 2 to 4 cm in size. This ulcer on biopsy proved to be malignant, so the stomach was resected as shown here.


This is an example of linitis plastica, a diffuse infiltrative gastric adenocarcinoma which gives the stomach a shrunken "leather bottle" appearance with extensive mucosal erosion and a markedly thickened gastric wall. This type of carcinoma has a very poor prognosis.


The endoscopic view of this lesion is shown, with extensive mucosal erosion.

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