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Bronchiectasis is seen here. The repeated episodes of inflammation can result in scarring, which has resulted in fibrous adhesions between the lobes. Fibrous pleural adhesions are common in persons who have had past episodes of inflammation of the lung that involve the pleura. With extensive involvement, the pleural space may be obliterated.


The mid lower portion of this photomicrograph demonstrates a dilated bronchus in which the mucosa and wall is not clearly seen because of the necrotizing inflammation with destruction. This is the microscopic appearance of bronchiectasis. Bronchiectasis is not a specific disease, but a consequence of another disease process that destroys airways.


This photomicrograph demonstrates a bronchus with increased numbers of chronic inflammatory cells in the submucosa. Chronic bronchitis does not have characteristic pathologic findings, but is defined clinically as a persistent productive cough for at least three consecutive months in at least two consecutive years. Most patients are smokers. Often, there are features of emphysema as well.


The chest cavity is opened at autopsy to reveal numerous large bullae apparent on the surface of the lungs in a patient dying with emphysema.Bullae are large dilated airspaces that bulge out from beneath the pleura.Emphysema is characterized by a loss of lung parenchyma by destruction of alveoli so that there is permanent dilation of airspaces.

肺切面可见肺气肿扩张的含气区。重复感染致瘢痕形成,肺实质丧失,而不会纤维化。肺气肿主要有 2 种的类型: 腺泡中央型和全腺泡型。前者主要累及肺上叶,而后者则累及整个肺叶,尤其是肺底部。
当腺泡近端的呼吸性细支气管扩张,而远端的肺泡扩张不明显,腺泡中央型肺气肿就会发生。 多见于吸烟。全腺泡型肺气肿发生时则出现从呼吸性细支气管到肺泡的腺泡所有部分全部扩张。多见于α-1-抗胰蛋白酶缺乏。

On cut section of the lung, the dilated airspaces with emphysema are seen. Although there tends to be some scarring with time because of superimposed infections, the emphysematous process is one of loss of lung parenchyma, not fibrosis. There are two major types of emphysema: centrilobular (centriacinar) and panlobular (panacinar). The former involves primarily the upper lobes while the latter involves all lung fields, particularly the bases. Centrilobular emphysema occurs with loss of the respiratory bronchioles in the proximal portion of the acinus, with sparing of distal alveoli. This pattern is most typical for smokers.Panacinar emphysema occurs with loss of all portions of the acinus from the respiratory bronchiole to the alveoli. This pattern is typical for alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency.


This is a more subtle appearance for centrilobular emphysema in which there are "dirty holes" that appear focally where the central portions of lung acini have lost lung parenchyma while collecting anthracotic pigment at the same time. This pattern is typical for smokers.

Smokers have a greater number of neutrophils and macrophages in their alveoli. Smoking irritates alveolar macrophages, which in turn release neutrophil chemotactic factors, such as interleukin 8, thus recruiting neutrophils. In addition, nicotine is chemotactic for neutrophils, and smoke can activate the alternative complement pathway (an inflammatory cascade). Proteases, particularly elastase, are secreted by these neutrophils and macrophages. Proteases are enzymes that are capable of digesting lung tissue and these chemicals are responsible for the damage seen in emphysema. Oxidants and free radicals in smoke also inhibit the alpha-1-antitrypsin circulating in the lung that protects alveoli from proteases. Chronic irritation by smoke also can lead to chronic bronchitis with excess production of mucus. Smoke interferes with the ciliary action of the respiratory epithelium and the mucus cannot be cleared. This predisposes the smoker to secondary and repeated infections.


Microscopically at high magnification, the loss of alveolar walls with emphysema is demonstrated. Remaining airspaces are dilated.

左肺肺动脉内大血栓。这类血栓多见于长期卧床病人的下肢深静脉或骨盆静脉。其它的不利因素包括四肢损伤、高凝状态(癌症病人患Trousseaus综合症;蛋白质 C 或 S 缺乏;使用口服避孕药),心衰,怀孕,年龄大。

Seen in the pulmonary artery to the left lung on cut section is a large pulmonary thromboembolus. Such thromboemboli typically originate in the leg veins or pelvic veins of persons who are immobilized. Other contributing factors include trauma to the extremities, hypercoagulable states (Trousseaus's syndrome in patients with carcinomas; protein C or S deficiency; use of oral contraceptives), heart failure, pregnancy, and older age.


Here is a "saddle embolus" that bridges across the pulmonary artery from the heart as it divides into right and left main pulmonary arteries. Such a saddle embolus is a cause for sudden death. This thromboembolus displays the typical gross appearance. The surface is somewhat irregular, and there are areas of pale tan to white admixed with dark red areas. The thrombus often has the outlines of the vein in which it formed.


Large thromboemboli can cause death. Medium sized thrombomboli (blocking a pulmonary artery to a lobule or set of lobules) can produce the lesion seen here--a hemorrhagic pulmonary infarction, because the patient survives. The infarct is wedge-shaped and based on the pleura. These infarcts are hemorrhagic because, though the pulmonary artery carrying most of the blood and oxygen is cut off, the bronchial arteries from the systemic circulation (supplying about 1% of the blood to the lungs) is not cut off.

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