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This magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan of the pelvis in sagittal view demonstrates a large discreet leiomyoma of the upper posterior myometrium, seen just anterior to the rectosigmoid colon.



Here is the microscopic appearance of a benign leiomyoma. Normal myometrium is at the left, and the neoplasm is well-differentiated so that the leiomyoma at the right hardly appears different. Bundles of smooth muscle are interlacing in the tumor mass.


This is a leiomyosarcoma protruding from myometrium into the endometrial cavity of this uterus that has been opened laterally so that the halves of the cervix appear at right and left. Fallopian tubes and ovaries project from top and bottom. The irregular nature of this mass suggests that is not just an ordinary leiomyoma.


Here is the microscopic appearance of a leiomyosarcoma. It is much more cellular and the cells have much more pleomorphism and hyperchromatism than the benign leiomyoma. An irregular mitosis is seen in the center.


As with sarcomas in general, leiomyosarcomas have spindle cells. Several mitoses are seen here, just in this one high power field.


Sarcomas, including leiomyosarcomas, often have very large bizarre giant cells along with the spindle cells. A couple of mitotic figures appear at the left and lower left.


Here is a bifid (septate) uterus. Sometimes even the cervix and/or vagina may be double as well. This is of no major consequence except that in pregnancy a bifid uterus may not enlarge normally and lead to fetal loss, or a normal vaginal delivery may not be possible with a double cervix or vagina. Note that there is also a small intramural leiomyoma on the septum at the left.


Ovulation releases an egg from an ovarian follicle. The egg is swept into the fallopian tube and begins to descend. Spermatozoa (millions are represented here by one) begin ascending. Fertilization of the egg by a single sperm occurs in the ampullary portion of the fallopian tube about a day after ovulation. The fertilized egg begins to develop into the blastocyt on descent into the endometrial cavity, where implantation occurs on the wall of the fundus about a week after ovulation.


Here is the size of the uterus in the third trimester. Note how it displaces the bowel superiorly and fills the lower abdomen. (This unfortunate woman died accidentally, and the baby died too).


This is a normal postpartum uterus 5 days following delivery. Note how quickly the uterus is returning to its normal non-pregnant size.


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