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An aortic valve need not be bicuspid to calcify. Sometimes in older adults, a normal tricuspid aortic valve will undergo calcification, a so-called "senile calcific aortic stenosis." Nodules of calcification are seen on the cusps here.


This diagram depicts the features of Tetralogy of Fallot:1. Ventricular septal defect; 2. Overriding aorta; 3. Pulmonic stenosis; 4. Right ventricular hypertrophy. The obstruction to right ventricular outflow creates a right-to-left shunt that leads to cyanosis.


The diagram above depicts the findings with a persistent truncus arteriosus. This occurs when there is failure of fusion and descent of the spiral ridges of the truncus and conus that would ordinarily divide into aorta and pulmonic trunck respectively. When the spiral septum fails to completely descend, the aortic and pulmonic trunks are left undivided at their outflow.The truncus overrides both ventricles.The persistent truncus is always accompanied by a membranous ventricular septal defect.


In the diagram above, transposition of the great vessels is shown. This occurs when the trunco-conal septum does not spiral down. Instead, it descends straight down. As a result, the outflow of right ventricle is into the aorta and the outflow from the left ventricle is into the pulmonic trunk.In order for this system to work, there must be a connection between the system and pulmonic circulations. Sometimes this is through a ventricular septal defect or an atrial septal defect. In the diagram at the left, this is through a patent ductus arteriosus.


This very large heart has a globoid shape because all of the chambers are dilated. It felt very flabby, and the myocardium was poorly contractile. This is an example of a cardiomyopathy. This term is used to denote conditions in which the myocardium functions poorly and the heart is large and dilated, but there is no specific histologic finding.


This chest radiograph demontrates marked cardiomegaly, with the left heart edge appearing far to the left.


Here is a large, dilated left ventricle typical of a dilated, or congestive, cardiomyopathy. Many of these have no known etiology (so-called "idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy") while others may be associated with chronic alcoholism. The heart is very enlarged and flabby.


Microscopically, the heart in cardiomyopathy demonstrates hypertrophy of myocardial fibers (which also have prominent dark nuclei) along with interstitial fibrosis.


There is marked left ventricular hypertrophy, with asymmetric bulging of a very large interventricular septum into the left ventricular chamber. This is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. About half of these cases are familial, though a variety of different genes may be responsible for this disease. Both children and adults can be affected, and sudden death can occur. Seen here is the explanted heart. Pacemaker wires enter the right ventricle. The atria with venous connections, along with great vessels, remained behind to connect to the transplanted heart (provided by someone who cared enough to make transplantation possible).


Hemochromatosis, with excessive iron deposition, can occur in the heart as shown here microscopically with Prussian blue iron stain. The excessive deposition of iron leads to heart enlargement and failure similar to a cardiomyopathy, making hemochromatosis a form of "restrictive" cardiomyopathy.

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