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This is the external appearance of a normal heart.The epicardial surface is smooth and glistening.The amount of epicardial fat is usual.The left anterior descending coronary artery extends down from the aortic root to the apex.



The aortic valve shows three thin and delicate cusps. The coronary artery orifices can be seen just above.The endocardium is smooth, beneath which can be seen a red-brown myocardium. The aorta above the valve displays a smooth intima with no atherosclerosis.


This is the tricuspid valve. The leaflets and thin and delicate. Just like the mitral valve, the leaflets have thin chordae tendineae that attach the leaflet margins to the papillary muscles of the ventricular wall below.


This is a normal coronary artery. The lumen is large, without any narrowing by atheromatous plaque. The muscular arterial wall is of normal proportion.


This is the normal appearance of myocardial fibers in longitudinal section. Note the central nuclei and the syncytial arrangement of the fibers, some of which have pale pink intercalated disks.



The coronary artery shown here has narrowing of the lumen due to build up of atherosclerotic plaque. Severe narrowing can lead to angina, ischemia, and infarction.


This section of coronary artery demonstrates remote thrombosis with recanalization to leave only two small, narrow channels.


There is a severe degree of narrowing in this coronary artery. It is "complex" in that there is a large area of calcification on the lower right, which appears bluish on this H&E stain. Complex atheroma have calcification, thrombosis, or hemorrhage. Such calcification would make coronary angioplasty difficult.


This distal portion of coronary artery shows significant narrowing. Such distal involvement is typical of severe coronary atherosclerosis, such as can appear with diabetes mellitus or familial hypercholesterolemia. This would make a coronary bypass operation difficult.


There is a pink to red recent thrombosis in this narrowed coronary artery. The open, needle-like spaces in the atheromatous plaque are cholesterol clefts.


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