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This is the microscopic appearance of neoplasia, or uncontrolled new growth. Here, the neoplasm is infiltrating into the underlying cervical stroma. Of course, there can be carcinoma in situ in which a full-fledged neoplasm is present, but has not yet invaded.


This is a squamous cell carcinoma. Note the disorderly growth of the squamous epithelial cells in these large nests with pink keratin in the centers.


Of course, neoplasms can be benign as well as malignant, though it is not always easy to tell how a neoplasm will act. Here is a benign lipoma on the serosal surface of the small intestine. It has the characteristics of a benign neoplasm: it is well circumscribed, slow growing, and resembles the tissue of origin (fat).


At low power magnification, a lipoma of the small intestine is seen to be well demarcated from the mucosa at the lower center-right. This neoplasm is so well-differentiated that, except for its appearance as a localized mass, it is impossible to tell from normal adipose tissue.


Here is the lipoma at high magnification. This is a good example of how a benign neoplasm mimics the tissue of origin.


Benign neoplasms can be multiple, as is shown in this uterus with leiomyomas of varying size, but all benign and well-circumscribed firm white masses. Remember that the most common neoplasm is a benign nevus (pigmented mole) of the skin, and most people have several. As a general rule, benign neoplasms do not give rise to malignant neoplasms.


The microscopic appearance of a leiomyoma indicates that the cells do not vary greatly in size and shape and closely resemble normal smooth muscle cells.


Multiple adenomatous polyps of the cecum are seen here in a case of familial polyposis.


This schwannoma was resected from a nerve. Note the circumscribed nature of this benign neoplasm.


The schwannoma is seen microscopically to be composed of spindle cells (like most neoplasms of mesenchymal origin), but the cells are fairly uniform and there is plenty of pink cytoplasm.


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