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Here is a "brown tumor" of bone in a patient with hyperpara-thyroidism. The high parathormone levels increase osteoclast activity and produce irregular bone resorbtion with microfractures and hemorrhage and macrophage proliferation and fibrous connective tissue proliferation.


The center of the "brown tumor" contains osteoclasts and mononuclear cells and fibroblasts with focal hemorrhages. The hemosiderin from the hemorrhage produces the grossly brown color. Such lesions are nowadays uncommon because hyperparathyroidism is treated before such lesions develop.


This is the central nidus of an osteoid osteoma composed of irregular reactive new bone. Osteoid osteomas usually occur in the axial skeleton (especially tibia and femur) in bone cortex of young males in the second decade of life. An osteoblastoma is just a big osteoid osteoma in the vertebra. These lesions are benign and cured by resection.


This is the central nidus of an osteoid osteoma. Radiographically, there is a small round central lucent area in the metatarsal bone cortex surrounded by sclerotic bone.


Here is normal cancellous bone as seen under polarized light microscopy, which highlights the lamellar structure. The bony spicules are even, with occasional lacunae containing osteocytes. Cellular marrow is seen between the spicules of bone.


This is Paget's disease of bone in which the mixed osteoclastic-osteoblastic stage is present. A line of osteoblasts is present a the center-right forming new bone, but lacunae containing multinucleate osteoclasts are at the center left and lower center destroying bone. The result is a patchwork mosaic of bone without an even lamellar structure. This stage is preceded by a mainly lytic phase and is followed by a "burnt out" sclerotic phase.


Paget's disease is seen in elderly Caucasians of European ancestry. Under polarized light, the irregularities of the bony lamellae are apparent.


The curvature of the vertebral column seen here is known as scoliosis. In this case, the curve to the left in the lower lumbar region is not pronounced, and this person will be unlikely to have complications. Larger curves can progress and cause serious deformity.


Curvature of the vertebral column is demonstrated here, typical for scoliosis.


The knobby excrescences at the left side of this vertebral column are due to degenerative osteoarthritis. This is the pronounced "lipping" of the vertebral bodies.

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