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两例错构瘤,为肺良性肿块。胸片上这些不常见的损害(硬币病变)可作为与肉芽肿及局限化的恶性肿瘤鉴别诊断的依据。质地坚韧,X线片上可见钙化区。绝大多数比较小(小于 2 厘米)。
Here are two examples of a benign lung neoplasm known as a pulmonary hamartoma. These uncommon lesions appear on chest radiograph as a "coin lesion" that has a differential diagnosis of granuloma and localized malignant neoplasm. They are firm and discreet and often have calcifications in them that also appear on radiography. Most are small (less than 2 cm).

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