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头颅被打开暴露“半月形” 前脑无裂畸形,因为存在一个小裂口似乎要分开两侧大脑半球。此处所示为无脑回类型(无脑回畸形 ),因为这个死产胎儿妊娠期少于20周。前脑无裂畸形是一种很严重的疾病,大脑功能很差或没有。

The skull is opened here to reveal the "semilobar" form of holoprosencephaly, because there is a small cleft representing an attempt to separate the hemispheres. There is no gyral pattern seen here (lissencephaly) because this stillborn fetus was under 20 weeks gestation. Holoprosencephaly is a grave condition with little or no brain function.

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