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在最右方尖端边缘的小而淡红的赘生物是非细菌性血栓性心内膜炎(或称为“消耗性心内膜炎”)的典型表现;本病不是由感染引起的。它常见于血液为高凝固状态的人(Trousseau’s 综合症,一种与恶性肿瘤有关的副肿瘤综合征)以及重病者。


The small pink vegetation on the rightmost cusp margin represents the typical finding with non-bacterial thrombotic endocarditis (or so-called "marantic endocarditis"). This is non-infective. It tends to occur in persons with a hypercoagulable state (Trousseau's syndrome, a paraneoplastic syndrome associated with malignancies) and in very ill persons.

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