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值得注意的是这个乳腺浸润性导管癌内的小癌巢和癌细胞及其间明显的胶原蛋白形成的浸润性条索。致密的纤维结缔组织间质的显著增生造成了典型浸润性导管癌的特征性病变硬癌特征。注意左下方被肿瘤包围的神经。 Note the small nests and infiltrating strands of neoplastic cells with prominent bands of collagen between them in this ductal carcinoma of the breast. It is this marked increase in the dense fibrous tissue stroma that produces the characteristic hard "scirrhous" appearance of the typical infiltrating ductal carcinoma. Note the nerve surrounded by the neoplasm at the lower left.

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